Tuesday, 29 November 2011

navigation navigation navigation

Last chance to see the Flock in Ullapool! 

If you look at the birds closely you'll see that some of them have maps scrawled on their wings: these are to help them navigate southwards.  Some will be apparently guided by roundabouts and traffic lights; others are on the lookout for camels and palm trees to show they're heading in the right direction.  It seems a few are even planning to take in Big Ben and the Eiffel Tower on their trip south, carrying messages in English and Gaelic with them.  Well done to the primary school children of Lewis for doing such thoughtful planning. 

These birds will leave Ullapool in the next few days.  They have every chance of a successful migration!

Saturday, 19 November 2011

heading south

The Flock has just arrived in Ullapool!  They flew from the Isle of Lewis this week and will now be at An Talla Solais for a couple of weeks before heading further south en route to Africa. 

Please come and see them in our temporary aviary.  It's a rare chance to see such a gathering of multi-coloured birds together in the highlands.  Above is a corncrake, accompanied by food for the journey.  Several thousand miles still to go...

Friday, 11 November 2011


Here is our Flock of drawings and paper birds at its northernmost point - in An Lanntair, the art centre in Stornoway on the Isle of Lewis, 58.2 degrees latitude.  Within the week it is going to wheel around and start flying south again.  Go and see it this week in Stornoway if you can! 

A migration fact: did you know that an ancient way of counting migratory birds was to look at the face of the full moon and count the silhouettes of birds flying across it?  With these clear bright nights you can try it too!  However in case you miss our Flock by moonlight, this blog will keep you posted as the birds travel south, heading back to Africa to see out the winter.