The Flock has landed in Ullapool on its southwards journey: come and see it at An Talla Solais's temporary winter gallery until early December:
The winter gallery becomes an aviary |
The Flock at large |
Pictures from the 2 Ullapool workshops on 15th October: Mapping Migration and Lesser-Spotted Cut-Outs
A midnight owl |
Concentration |
Drawing an eagle |
Cutting out a peacock |
Close-up work |
Bird cut-outs |
Bird research |
Choosing stamps |
Posting the birds: next stop Hebrides |
Bids made in Ullapool |
Walk this way |
Artists at work |
Birds ready to fly |
An Talla Solais is the visual arts centre in Ullapool on the northwest coast of Scotland. On Saturday 15th October, 11-2pm we will be exhibiting the cards that will have arrived here in the post from Africa and London, and inviting artists (and would-be artists) near and far to join us to draw birds on more cards which will then be posted north to the Hebrides - the last leg of their long journey.
Bird card made by Ullapool Primary pupils |
The workshop will cater for all tastes and abilities! Work with artists Holly Keasey and Beth Savage to create a multi-layered bird card based on patterns of your own local migration, or cut and stick a multi-spotted bird and choose your own beautiful stamps to send it on its way.
A series of wonderful birds have already been made by Ullapool Primary's Twilight Drawing Group. These will be on display along with the rest of the flock so far.
We hope to see you on the 15th. Find us on Market Street in Ullapool, IV26 2XE (right next to the village hall).