Sunday, 9 October 2011

birds of London

Today over 100 people flocked to Art in the Park in Camberwell to make migrating birds for the London phase of the project.  Using the birds of Burgess Park as inspiration (swans, woodpeckers, herons, pigeons and possibly a pterodactyl), visitors drew and cut out birds which they then painted with Art in the Park's two spectacular painting machines.  They were indeed a spectacle to watch: one of them involved shooting bright paint at a moving picture, and the other was a demanding wood and string contraption which got people levering paint onto their pictures at a safe distance of 6 feet.  At the same time others were making a series of clay pots and imprinting them with bird patterns.

It was a beautiful sunny afternoon and the workshop was much enjoyed - see the Camberwell page for more pictures of the day.  The birds made today will now be posted up to Ullapool, flying northwards on their migration to the Hebrides.

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